Best Cities in Cape Town

WOW – brilliant trip to South Africa to cover Best Cities (a collaboration of 10 International conference destinations)  hosted by Cape Town Convention Bureau.

Loch Lomond, flat water and ideal for canoe trip

Stopped briefly today at Milarochy Bay Loch Lomond on a lovely sunny day on my way up to service my log cabin at Rowardennan , a few more miles up the road. Flat water and ideal for a canoe trip from the bay and gosh, the water is so low for the time of year! So many...

Edinburgh Airport Photos

Marketing Edinburgh selected some of my images to be enlarged – BIG – for Edinburgh Airport. Here >>                      ...
PR Photographer Edinburgh – Taste of Spain 2011

PR Photographer Edinburgh – Taste of Spain 2011

A real weekend fiesta of Spanish dance, music, food and a giant paella helped brighten an at times wet Spanish Tourist Board promo event on The Mound Edinburgh. Spain’s principle holiday areas were there to promote a sun destination which wasn’t lost on a...