Another eye opener on other professions in life.
The conference in Edinburgh in July 2009 was the coming together of those involved in research and the study of teaching in medicine in further education. Delegates came from as far away as New Zealand to contribute as well as learn from best practise.

Conference held at Royal College of Physicians Edinburgh

Delivering results of a study

The main auditorium at the RCP Edinburgh

One of the break out sessions for the JASME (Junior ASME)

One of the break out sessions for the JASME (Junior ASME)

The main sponsor - Limbs and Things

Professor Ronald Harden, General Secretary, Treasurer AMEE, Dundee, UK
They had not had a photographer before for their conferences and in pitching to suggest this to them they agreed to ‘give it a go’ to see if there would be a benefit. From a call this morning from one of the organisers, Nicky Pender of ASME, it seems they are very pleased with the shots.